Escape Date: 4th January
dPace: Happy New Year! Our
resolution: To conquer all escape game in Malaysia! So we’re back in e@Curve,
ready for another attempt with two more teammates. The 4 of us named ourselves team SPeeDS. While at the briefing, we
were suddenly blindfolded!!! What’s going on???
Dscry: This blindfold is very cute.
Wait, what did you do, dPace? O_O Why did they handcuff us? Are we being
arrested? No!!!
dPace: Oh, must be because I tried
to rape the mummy! We’re now being led away. It feels like we’re being
detained. Hey, I wanna call a lawyer!

Dscry: We stopped walking and finally,
the blindfolds are taken off. We really are in a prison now and there is only
one bed for four of us. O_O What?! Why am I being locked up with you when I’m
not the one who wanted to rape the mummy? I stopped you from doing it. I’m
dPace: Well, you’re an accomplice.
:p Great, now we have to break our handcuffs, break the prison bars, break some
stuff, rape more mummies! Oops, forget the last one. Anyway, this is my first
time in a prison cell, and we’re in Prison Break.

Dscry: I just realised that there is no
toilet in here. Bad dPace! Now, how can we survive this? You’re definitely gonna sleep
on the floor tonight. I’m gonna leave you behind and escape with 2 of our other
friends. They don’t deserve this. Let’s see… How do we unlock these handcuffs?
dPace: Ah, I know! I learnt from
watching Prison Break, Escape Plan, and Ocean’s Eleven. Done! Now, let’s spread
out and search for clues. I see something shiny hanging outside the cell. Could
it be the keys to unlock this cell? Quick Dscry, our captors are not around.

Dscry: I thought I told you that I’m
leaving you behind? I heard the guards outside. They say something about one of
us is a murderer. Hmm… I don’t think you will kill the mummy, would you, dPace?
Wait, it’s already dead.
dPace: Do they really charge people
for raping the dead? And I’m no murderer. -.- Okay, you listen to the guards
outside while I try to think of a way of getting that shiny thingy. There are
no other cells around. I think we’re the only ones here. This doesn’t look like
a normal prison, Dscry.
Dscry: There is no toilet. That’s
definitely not normal. dPace! The guards went out for a break and to smoke,
they said. They also mentioned that that they have to be back in 45 minutes.
Let’s take this chance to escape. Come on, people. Let’s do this.
dPace: Good job. So lesson learnt, “Clues or hints may literally mean what it
means”. Some former inmates may have left clues behind. It looks like we’re
all set to break free from our cell.

Dscry: dPace! What are you doing,
walking so leisurely? Run! The guards are coming. Come on! Woohoo, we are finally
out! I shall not set my foot in another prison for the rest of my life. Please
do not try raping another mummy in the future.
Amount and
difficulty of puzzles – 3 / 5
Common knowledge required – 2.5 / 5
Room complexity – 2 / 5
Players recommended – 4 (maximum 6)
Hints given – 2
Difficulty rating (according to
Escape Room) – 4 / 5
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