Escape Date: 19th January
Dscry: After the colourful journey
we had in the previous room, we were abducted to some place by some unknown
creatures of the night and were locked up inside. This place is definitely the
opposite of the vibrant and colourful dream we just had.
dPace: Woah, looks like some sort of
a castle. It’s a castle belonging either to a witch, Frankenstein, or vampires.
Let’s explore and see if we can find out more about this castle. Hmm… I see
lots of books. Mad scientist maybe?

Dscry: These books are for kids
reading. I don’t think mad scientist read these unless if he’s really mad
enough to do so. Anyway, this is another room in Escape Room, Berjaya Times
Square which is known as The Vampire Chronicles. Great, we’re trapped in a
vampire castle or some sort. Are we gonna be vampire’s food?

dPace: Hmm, let’s see, there are a
lot of anti-vampire stuffs here, like in the movies, probably left by previous
victims. There are garlic, symbols, and seeds. Dscry? Dscry? *facepalm* Where
are you, Dscry?
Dscry: Over here! There’s coffin in
here! I wonder how it feels like to sleep in one. I was just trying to see if
the coffin can fit me. If it does, I wanna bring it back! And that’s a lot of
dPace: Be careful, it might be trap!
If it really is a vampire castle, then we’d better hurry because night is
befalling. I’ve got a plan! Let’s grab as many garlic and seeds as possible
with us, then we’ll hide in the coffin. As soon as the vampire opens the
coffin, we’ll show the symbol and tada! It’ll be so dead! Then we can flee from

Dscry: What?! Even though I’m
curious to see how good looking the vampire is, I’m not gonna wait for it to
come. I shall take my leave right now. You can stay if you want.
dPace: No time, here it comes. Let’s
Dscry: Oh, no! I heard footsteps. It's here. Run! But, there are too many doors.
I don’t know which one is the exit.

dPace: I guess, we have to try them
all. Since we don’t have much time before night falls, we have to try all the doors
at the same time.
Dscry: I’m getting
hungry. I have a feeling that we are trapped in here longer than we should be. This room is not difficult but there are many puzzles to be solved simultaneously. 45 minutes was not enough for our team to make it out. Maybe a group of 6 would have been better.
dPace: I found the right door. Let’s get out
from this creepy palace. We learnt this, “There
are escape games where a larger group would make the escape easier”, as it
would speed up some process, but smaller places will be too cramped for large
groups. Till then…
Amount and
difficulty of puzzles – 4 / 5
Common knowledge required – 1.5 / 5
Room complexity – 3.5 / 5
Players recommended – 6 (maximum 8)
Hints given – 2
Difficulty rating (according to
Escape Room) – 4 / 5
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